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Numa: What’s with the name?
At Numa Psychotherapy we take a whole-person approach to our work with clients. As such, we look at the factors that make you — you.
pneuma (noun) : the vital spirit, soul, or creative force of a person
numinous (adjective) : mysterious or awe inspiring
Within the field of transpersonal psychology, numinous experiences are those experiences that leave us feeling connected to the universe and energy outside of ourselves. Depth psychologist Carl Jung described the numinous as anything (people, things, situations) that inspires deep emotional resonance within our being. He believed that numinous experiences, including true and deep connections with others, bring healing to the human psyche.
At Numa Psychotherapy we offer individual, couples, and family psychotherapy. We help clients attain wellness through exploration, insight, and practice and we believe that psychological wellness comes from understanding and integrating all aspects of our selves. By identifying and working through life events that have shaped us, we gain a better understanding of our own behaviors and belief systems. We will use this insight to rewrite current narratives and restructure toward strength and resilience.
At Numa Psychotherapy, we operate from feminist and anti-racist frameworks. We value and affirm all genders and sexual orientations and seek to provide services that are safe, affirming, and accessible to all.